Thursday, November 2, 2017

Cereal Killer

Getting ready for this year's National Novel Writing Month kind of threw my timing off.  Starting a new novel caused me to forget that yesterday was due for a new blog post.  With that in mind, I have snagged a recent Reddit writing prompt I responded to.  I hope you enjoy it.

The familiar crinkle of plastic inside cardboard. The shuffle of crispy O's sliding against each other. The signature clink as those hearty circles impact the glass bowl. The tone changing as the bowl fills with round pieces of cereal. The wonderful music that is the start of my day.
Suddenly, the morning symphony is struck by a sour note. A heavier impact into the gathered collection of loops. I suddenly look down and discover an odd red form mixed in with the light brown regular shapes. As I watched, more of them fall from the box into my bowl. The thin slices mixing in with the puffed circles. Their coloring and shape causing me to suddenly realize what I was seeing. Strawberries. Preserved pieces of real strawberries in my morning breakfast.
I am not sure what to think as I pour the creamy white milk into the dry mixture. The liquid slosh signaling the final movement by the orchestra in my bowl. The final note being the metallic ring of my metal spoon hitting the bottom of the bowl. With a small degree of anticipation and some nervousness, I lifted the spoon full of the mixture to my mouth.
The expected flavors hit my tongue. Only now, a new sweetness and texture is present. A softness amid the usual gentle crunch. A fruity hint to the milky smoothness. All told, a pleasant addition to the start of the day.

For the rest of November I will be working on a new novel.  Future blog posts will probably excerpts of the work in progress.  Wish me luck.

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