Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Cover Art

A lot of work goes into a book's release even after the writing is done.  Editing for proper grammar and consistency in the story.  Deciding on a font and size of print.  Coming up with a quick blurb for the back of the book or inside cover.  

However, before any of that can be noticed, a cover must be developed that catches a reader's eye and conveys an idea regarding the theme of the book itself.  With that in mind, the folks at Amazing Things Press have come up with a cover for my next book, Post Exodus, that I think fits this bill rather well.

As the cover isn't completely "official" yet, I can't publicly display the whole thing yet.  I can give out a little preview though.

There will be more to come over the next few weeks.  You can get more frequent updates on my Twitter feed and Facebook page.

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