Sometimes a story doesn't develop past the notes stage. This may be due to an excess of clutter in my headspace, a lack of time to develop it properly, or just not enough story there to expand on. One such story is one that I've had notes on for decades. While there is a major plot conflict to base the story on, I just don't seem to be able to come up with enough to fill out the world it takes place in. Maybe some day the rest of the tale will come to me in a dream. In the meantime, here are the notes as I have them so far. Derf is just a placeholder name I use until the character is fleshed out more and a proper name comes to light.
- Long life span of hunters, but not immortal. Just don't age normally.
- Communicate with "Hunter Council" via meditation and a special crystal
- Council catalogs Demons based on activity. Ranks them based on strength and shares information with Hunters.
- Smaller, weaker Demons not named, simple to catch. Stronger Demons are given names and require more elaborate rituals to satisfy and catch.
- Each hunter chosen by "Hunter's Spirit." When one Hunter dies, the spirit moves on never know who will be next.
- Spirits don't clearly speak to Hunter, but can enhance vision to detect Demonic energies and give a Spidey-sense to hidden Deomnic presence.
- Number of Spirits is fixed, Number of Demons is variable, has gotten down to zero in past but increasing recently.
- Father/son team of Demon Hunters considered best in the realm, very rare for family members to be selected as hunters.
- Main plot point! Main character (Derf) must hunt demon that has taken his father
- Papa Derf disappeared while transporting crystal to "jail."
- Evidence of demons that had been caught by father-son team reappears.
- Demons are caught in and transported via crystals to one-way portal to "Dungeon Dimension"
- Demon possessing Derf's father is known as "The Corrupter" spoke to Papa Derf via the crystal
- Derf lives life alone except when hunting with Papa, chosen before starting a family.
- Papa Derf father of 3-5 kids, chosen after family started and years before Derf.
Leave a comment if you think the story should be developed further or left at this stage. Suggestions for filling in any of the blanks would be welcome.
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